Wednesday, September 08, 2004

making the bad good...

I never thought the day would come when I would post *anything* even remotely connected with the uber-vile Queen or their pantorawk ugly sisters Kiss, but here goes...

Loo and Placido are the leggers legger, and this shows why...with dubbed up reggae (lifted from uptown topranking and perryed to fuck), Queen (shudders) and some kid, this shouldn't work but it does - magnificently...

Gloomybear is allegedly one of Lionyl Vinyl's many alter egos. He has turned the dreary Kiss song Crazy nights (the dirges's dirge?) and given it an uplifting house makeover that Lawrence Llewllyn Bowen would eat his cuffs's a joyful, gay summer anthem that will have the children dancing in the streets...

Loo and Placido: Kids Rock

Gloomybear: Crazy nights


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh that's good

8:31 PM  

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