Friday, July 30, 2004

Viva! the Punk Rock Names...

Punk Rock names were great.

You knew where you were with people called Ari Up and Colin Conflict, (although you never *quite* knew where you were with one bloke I used to know who was called Sue Liberty, and later Han Liberty...Han - where are you now? and more importantly, what's you're name?).

The tradition of punk rock names has never really been broken, and in my mind is tied in with an implicit trust - you know a song by someone called Jim Foetus is going to be worth a listen, but Daniel Beddingfield? I don't think so...

The rise of the musical grey area has led to a resurgance in punk rock names - someone called glitch_my_bitch_up used to post regularly on GYBO (and might still for al I know), as does my current fave, the marvellously monikered Eve Massacre.

Whilst Eve is clearly placing herself in the punk tradition with her choice of name, lots of the mash-up kiddies go for a DJ prefix, to show that they are more *modern* . They don't fool me - the beats and samples might be new, but the attitude, the DIY ethos and aesthetic and energy are pure 77.

Someone with another great punk rock name - possibly the finest ever - is Johnny Kawasaki and he shows the attitude to match as part of the "DJs on Strike" collective. Their remixes of Justin Timberland or mashes of Nirvana and twenty other grunge bands are performed with the bloody intensity of a Norwegian flensing team...unnerving, funny, and very, very dance-able.

Eve Massacre: I'm some story being told (site) (There is one of them neo-feminist post-structuralist textual analysis thingys of this song, here)

Johnny Kawasaki: I love Booty (Buy)


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