Tuesday, September 14, 2004

vibrations elettroclash hour jetties in smoky psichedelici cauldrons...

I love babel fish. I followed a link to Loser: Re-Login, an italian bootleg mp3 album of italo-indie music mashed by the likes of Daz automatic and Dsico but all the info was in italian....so I babelfished it. Here's the result and whilst it may not fulfil the information gathering purpose I had intended, conceptually it's *perfect*:

"For "Loser: Re-Login" they have been calls to you to collection 8 between best bootleggers the international ones (dall'Inghilterra until all'Australia) without forgetting how many in our country foretell already with succeeding the verbo of the mash-up. E' one double ambitious bet this launch from "Loser: Re-Login": to abandon l'alveo "made in Italy" closely; of the plan without to untie itself from how much it has been made in the past years and to attract l'attenzione of names of most Association of Bologna of the world-wide scene bastard protagonists of the dj-meeting European like of show "MTV the Mash" that more and more times have addressed they in order to illuminate l'underground dance not only European. The 8 songs that compose this new compilation are therefore the reworks of some of the brani contained in the previous ones "Loser, my religion": hour sewn together in more the classic style "bastardo" hour remixate strizzando l'occhio to the vibrations elettroclash hour jetties in smoky psichedelici cauldrons"

ps: I was going to link to Daz and Dsico and then remembered - now everyone uses Firefox, you can just right click>search web so this kind of embedded link is now redundant, isn't it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love babel fish too but maybe it could be more useful for you to read the description of the project written on the "Relogin" pop-up in our website http://musica.tiscali.it/loser. That's in English :)
byez and thx for link

11:17 AM  

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